Izglasavam probleme sa gvozdenim rumom

Gvožđe koje danas koristimo dolazi iz okeana koji su postojali pre skoro dve milijarde godina koji su se udružili sa rastvorenim željezom. Kada su prvi organizmi sposobni za fotosintezu počeli da otpuštaju kiseonik u ova vodena tela bogata željezom, gvožđe se počelo formirati kao naslage na Zemljinu koru, što znači da se prvenstveno nađe u sedimentnim stijenama.

Pore koje sadrže velike količine magnetita (koja sadrzi o 72% željezo) i hematit (koja sadrzi o 70% željezo) poznate su kao "prirodne" ili "direktne brodske" pore. Ovi materijali mogu ići direktno na peć za pravljenje željeza za proizvodnju čelika.

Međutim, od rudnih naslaga koje su tonule na okeansko dna prije milijarda godina pomiješane s drugim elementima i mineralima, gvožđe se često nađe u ono što je poznato kao zavojne željezne formacije. Ovi generalno sadrže mnogo nižu koncentraciju željeza pomiješanu sa silikatima, oksidi, i u nekim slučajevima karbonati. Iz matematike, pulling one ton of Željezne rude from banded formations creates up to three tons of tailings.

While it’s true that iron is the fourth most common element found on our planet’s surface (after oxygen, silicon, and aluminum), tons of it is basically being “thrown away” because it’s not being properly extracted. At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of iron in the world. Međutim, mining does have an environmental impact. And tailings that are generated by wet magnetic and flotation techniques need fresh water sources, and require the introduction of expensive and potentially toxic chemicals that must be stored until decontaminated.

ST oprema & Tehnologija has a better solution. Our triboelectrostatic dry separation process can maximize the removal of iron ore from waste streams, eliminating the need for a fresh-water source, the expense of flotation chemicals, and the construction of wet process tailing ponds. No decontamination is necessary.

This separator is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t use a lot of energy, but it can process a high volume of material quickly to increase your output—not only iron ore, but any other valuable elements that may be in your tailings including copper, nickel, and cobalt. Osim toga, the separator can be used at your mining site so there’s no need or expense for shipping materials to a facility for sorting.