Chuma tunachotumia leo kinatoka kwa bahari ambazo zilikuwepo karibu miaka bilioni mbili iliyopita ambazo zilikuwa zikiungana na chuma kilichoyeyuka. Wakati viumbe vya kwanza vyenye uwezo wa photosynthesis vilianza kutoa oksijeni ndani ya miili hii yenye utajiri wa chuma ya maji, chuma kilianza kutengeneza kama amana kwenye crust ya Dunia, ambayo ina maana ni kimsingi kupatikana katika miamba sedimentary.
Ores iliyo na idadi kubwa ya sumaku (ambayo ina kuhusu 72% Chuma) na hematite (ambayo ina kuhusu 70% Chuma) inajulikana kama "asili" au "usafirishaji wa moja kwa moja" ores. Vifaa hivi vinaweza kwenda moja kwa moja kwa tanuru za kutengeneza chuma kwa uzalishaji wa chuma.
Hata hivyo, since the ore deposits that were sinking to the ocean floor billions of years ago mixed in with other elements and minerals, iron is often found in what’s known as banded iron formations. These generally contain a much lower concentration of iron mixed in with silicates, oxides, and in some cases carbonates. Doing the math, pulling one ton of madini ya chuma from banded formations creates up to three tons of tailings.
While it’s true that iron is the fourth most common element found on our planet’s surface (after oxygen, silicon, and aluminum), tons of it is basically being “thrown away” because it’s not being properly extracted. At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of iron in the world. Hata hivyo, mining does have an environmental impact. And tailings that are generated by wet magnetic and flotation techniques need fresh water sources, and require the introduction of expensive and potentially toxic chemicals that must be stored until decontaminated.
Vifaa vya ST & Teknolojia has a better solution. Our triboelectrostatic dry separation process can maximize the removal of iron ore from waste streams, eliminating the need for a fresh-water source, the expense of flotation chemicals, and the construction of wet process tailing ponds. No decontamination is necessary.
This separator is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t use a lot of energy, lakini inaweza kusindika kiasi kikubwa cha nyenzo haraka ili kuongeza pato lako-sio tu madini ya chuma, lakini vitu vingine vya thamani ambavyo vinaweza kuwa katika mikia yako ikiwa ni pamoja na shaba, nickel, na cobalt. Zaidi ya hayo, kitenganishi kinaweza kutumika kwenye tovuti yako ya madini kwa hivyo hakuna haja au gharama ya vifaa vya usafirishaji kwa kituo cha kupanga.