Trends in using plant protein for aquaculture feed

Eftir: | Bókað í: Feed & Matur, Fréttir | Mánudagur, Apr 6, 2020 - 12:21Er
Aquaculture Protein Feed

Using plant-based proteins to supplement fish meal has been a part of aquaculture for decades. Fish feed comes from harvesting fish species such as anchovies, herring, menhaden, and sardines. Á

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Dry beneficiation of bauxite minerals for greater yields

Eftir: | Bókað í: Feed & Matur | Þriðjudagur, Apr 14, 2020 - 4:40Er
Beneficiation of bauxite

Aðal upphafsefnið til hreinsunar á áli er báxít. Since aluminum is a reactive element and does not occur naturally, aluminum-rich ore needs to be refined to produce alumina and

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An Opportunity For Ethanol Producers To Improve Margins

Eftir: | Bókað í: Feed & Matur | Þriðjudagur, Apr 28, 2020 - 5:22Er
distillers grains - Generate a 50% protein DDGS

According to a report from the Energy Information Administration, operating margins for corn-based fuel ethanol plants decreased to a multi-year low in 2019. This was due in part because production

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