Back To Separation School

What’s better than free? Peace of mind.

The end of August is often also regarded as the unofficial end of summer as the days get shorter and the kids head back to schoolwhich brings us to the subjects of education and reports.

If you’re interested in the materials your mining right now and finding out how much of it produce profitable results, we’re offering a free characterization analysis of what you’re digging up. Jednostavno nam pošaljite uzorak vašeg miniranog materijala (do 1 kilogram) and we’ll evaluate if it’s a good candidate for beneficiation using ST Equipment & Technology’s proprietary electrostatic separation project.

Ovo je važno iz tri razloga:

ST Equipment & Technology

  1. Znaćeš vrednost onoga što iskopavaš pre nego što postaviš proces razdvajanja u punom razmeru. Our analysis will determine if the particle size distribution is suitable for our process, kao i da sazna da li je materijal dovoljno oslobođen u odvojenim, diskretne čestice. Također ćemo izmjeriti element(s), mineral(s) ili svojstva od interesa za podršku pilot kampanji testiranja.
  2. Dat ćemo detaljan izvještaj o rezultatima vašeg malog uzorka testa., and offer recommendations on how to proceed with pilot-scale testing, ako je to održiva opcija. Kada se dogovorimo o ciljevima pilot programa testiranja, možemo izdati pun prijedlog za testiranje pilot postrojenja.
  3. The testing and reporting are free of charge for you, so you can make a quality assessment of your mining operation before spending a lot of money. That’s a lot of great information and a great value.

Proces je lak, također. Sve što trebate znati o pružanju vašeg uzorka nama uključeno je u naš Upute za isporuku. We can accept both international inquiries and hazardous materials, sve dok su opasni materijali pravilno pakirani i dokumentirani putem obrazaca uključenih u upute za isporuku.

We’ll do all the work and you’ll get a great education out of it. That’s pretty smart, don’t you think?