September Separation Technology

A short lesson in separation technologies.

Summer isn’t officially over yet, but once Labor Day weekend has passed us by and the kids are all back in school, many people jump into a fall state of mind (think of how many pumpkin spice ads you’ve been exposed to already).

Međutim, the 2018 autumnal equinox doesn’t officially happen until 9:54 p.m. (EDT) on Saturday, September 22nd, meaning we can still squeeze another week or two of summer out if we really put our minds to it. [For the record, the autumnal equinox occurs the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south, signaling the official transition from summer to fall.]

That’s the kind of thinking we like around ST Equipment & Tehnologija:

How can we examine something that people believe to be acceptable and take things a little farther?

That’s how we were able to move the electrostatic separation process from being a good and beneficial thing and making it even better.

It’s also how we’ve looked for different industries where our proprietary triboelectrostatic process can make a huge impact, such as mining, hraniti & Hranu, fly ash and more. Naš proces može brzo i učinkovito izvući više iz bučna tok, pružajući vam dodatnih prihoda potoci. Naša metoda je također suhi proces koji se može produljiti na odvajanje čestica do razine gdje samo mokro-odvajanje plutanje tehnike su bili uspješni u prošlosti. To je ekološki prihvatljiv izbor koji eliminira potrebu za izvor pitke vode.


Dobijete više od vaše trenutne operacije, kroz proces koji generira dodatni potencijalni prihod, preko vrlo brzo, economic and environmentally friendly process. Plus our equipment can operate directly at your work site, so you don’t have to spend extra money trucking materials to a separation facility.

So endeth the lesson. When you’re ready to maximize your operations with minimal effort, contact ST Equipment & Tehnologija.

We’d love to learn how we can help you.