Verbruikersbegeerte vir minder verwerkte voedsel

Die idee van gesonde eetgewoontes is beslis niks nuwe. Een blik op die werke van normale Rockwell, neem ons terug na 'n dag wanneer gesinne sou bymekaar om 'n formaat eetkamer tafel om 'n huis-gaar maaltyd saam geniet.

Maar, in hierdie mededingende ouderdom waar werkers word voortdurend uitgedaag deur hul werkgewers te doen meer met minder te maak eindig ontmoet, Dit is baie moeilik vir baie mense vind die tyd om voor te berei heerlike en voedsame maaltye. Nog, increasingly growing numbers of consumers are desperately seeking solutions to their dietary needs, and they’re willing to pay a premium for food items that are minimally processed.

Electrostatic separation offers feed and food processors an opportunity they can capitalize on quickly and easily. ST Toerusting & Technology’s triboelectrostatic belt separator can process large quantities of feed materials at a high rate, separating plant proteins from fibers. Met ander woorde, you’ll get more out of your current feed materials and produce less waste, so you’ll have greater grades of material to market.

Here’s the best part. Since electrostatic separation doesn’t require water or chemicals to be used during the process, you’ll be producing “clean food” materials that can be sold at a higher price, thanks to the demand by consumers for more natural, less processed ingredients.

Other benefits of the ST Equipment & Technology process include:

  • SizeThe equipment is compact enough to be added to your current operational site, eliminating the need for additional shipping and handling.
  • OmgewingsvriendelikeIn addition to reserving precious water by using a dry method, the equipment is extremely energy efficient, yet can still easily produce high outputs.
  • FlexibleThe separator is capable of handling both plant and animal proteins, so it can be used in basically every sector of the feed and food industry. Since an estimated 36 million pounds of bone waste is generated by the beef industry each year, our process can turn an enormous waste stream into valuable protein and mineral fractions.

The benefits are out there, just waiting to be harvested. Kontak ons, and let us help you plant some new ideas.