Buug-yaraha DDGS

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ST Equipment & Technology
ST Qalabka & technology (STET) waxay siisaa ethanol ama quudiya soosaarayaasha walaxda kacaanka ah, gabi ahaanba qalalan, habka kiimikaad ee xorta ah si loo soo saaro qiime lagu daray, borotiinka sare ee DDGS. STET’s technology concentrates protein by up to 15%, absolute, by separating protein from fiber. The protein rich product (50% protein, salaysan qalalan) can then be formulated in mono-gastric feed applications at substitution ratios and sold at a premium. The fiber rich co-product maintains the value of the DDGS when used for ruminant feed, or it can be blended back into the plant’s DDGS without a significant impact to protein content.