News & Press

Ujeedada Ka-hortagga Macdanta iyo Codsiyada Casriga ah

by: | Posted in: macdanta, News, Press | Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024 - 2:20pm
why are minerals processed

farsamaynta macdanta, often called ore dressing, beneficiation, ama injineernimada macdanta, plays a critical role in the mining industry by extracting valuable minerals from ores while minimizing environmental impacts. This complex

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Soo Bandhigidda Doorarka Muhiimka ah ee Bauxite: Codsiyada kala duwan iyo Tusaalooyinka Waxqabadka

by: | Posted in: News, Press | Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 - 1:05pm
what is bauxite used for

Bauxite may not be a resource that receives much attention, but it contributes to many aspects of daily life and work. What is bauxite used for? Bauxite ore is the

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Kala-soocidda Electrostatic ee Ka-hortagga Macdanta Birta: Habka Kacaanka ee Maareynta Dabada Birta

by: | Posted in: Kala saarayaasha korontada, News, Press | Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024 - 7:12am
Electrostatic Separation in Iron Ore Processing: A Revolutionary Approach to Iron Ore Tailings Management

Iron waa curiyaha labaad ee ugu caansan dhulka, oo ka kooban ku dhawaad 5% ee qolof dhulka. Birta birta ah waa dhagxaan iyo macdan ay ku jirto birta, lagu sifeeyey macdan qodista iyo habaynta. Ku dhawaad

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Kor u kaca borotiinka digirta ee Waxqabadka Cuntada Caafimaadka Ku-salaysan ee Dhirta

by: | Posted in: News, Press | Thursday, Dec 14, 2023 - 1:53pm
The Rise of Pea Protein in Healthy Plant-Based Food Performance

While today’s selection of proteins is undoubtedly vast, consumers are becoming more selective in their choices for their health and environment. As the spotlight on plant-based performance and wellness grows

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Faa'iidooyinka Joogtada ah ee Isticmaalka Miraha Distillers ee Quudinta Xoolaha

by: | Posted in: News, Press | Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023 - 12:35pm
Benefits of Using Distillers Grains

Distillers badarka, qayb ka mid ah habka wax soo saarka ethanol, waxay noqdeen halbowle u ah nidaamka quudinta xoolaha, gaar ahaan lo'da lo'da. Mirahani waxay qani ku yihiin borotiinka, fiber, macdan, iyo

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Munaasabadda Bandhiga Faa'iidada Dambaska ee Tooska ah ee La goostay: Daah-furka Mustaqbalka Maareynta Daash-duqsiyeedka

by: | Posted in: Daqsi Ash, News, Press | Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - 12:14pm
Harvested Ash Beneficiation Demonstration Event

In a groundbreaking event that has sent shockwaves through the concrete industry, Artitor Ltd (Artitor), a distinguished manufacturer specializing in drying, shiididda, and deagglomeration solutions, iyo Qalabka ST & technology

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Ethanol Producer Magazine: Waa la isku dayay oo run ah, Laakiin Cusub

by: | Posted in: News, Press | Friday, Laga yaabaa 12, 2023 - 10:18am
ST Equipment & Technology

Maaddaama dariiqyada ku yaal alaabada ethanol ay adkeynayaan ama baaba'ayaan, inbadan oo soosaarayaasha ethanol waxay doortaan inay diirada saaraan abuuritaanka qiimaha laga soo saaro soosaarka. Qalalan mudalacayaasha qalalan oo leh milanno (DDGS) muddo dheer ayaa la qiimeeyay

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Dambaska Shaqada: Qulqulka Qiimaha ee Baryada Duqsiga Dhuxusha iyo Qashin-qubka

by: | Posted in: News, Press | Friday, Laga yaabaa 12, 2023 - 9:53am
ST Equipment & Technology

Qulqulka Qiimaha ee Baryada Duqsiga Dhuxusha iyo Qashin-qubka: Actual Sustainable Gains For decades fly ash has proven to be a valuable additive for concrete buildings, bridges, and other structures.

Akhri wax dheeraad ah