Food & ndepụta

ST Equipment & Technology LLC (STET) amalite na manufactures triboelectrostatic separators na-enye a akọrọ usoro beneficiate organics dị ka flours, oilseed nri, protein uche, starch, eriri, na B-glucan.

Ọ bụ ihe na environmentally ọrụ, water-free purification process that does not require chemicals or biologicals and hence precludes any drying step, nke nwere ike nwere ike ịkparị ndu ogige.

The STET usoro bụ kpam kpam akọrọ, na a elu nhazi ike na ala oriri ike. STET has successfully demonstrated beneficiation at the pilot plant scale for numerous food & feed separation application.

A gazuo uwa niile, ahịa anyị na-eke a asọmpi uru na ha na ahịa mgbe ha wepụ ihe bara uru na ngwaahịa si ha na ndepụta ma n'efu iyi site leveraging akụ na ụba uru agbachi na STET separators. Anyị nwere 20 afọ nke arụmọrụ ahụmahụ na ọkachamara njikere aka na feasibility na atụmatụ usoro iji hụ na ihe ịga nke ọma.

To learn more about our food & feed separation process and how this can benefit your business, read the news and literature listed below!

Kpọtụrụ a technology ọkachamara taa ịmụtakwu banyere akọrọ nhazi!

Akwụkwọ Akụkọ
