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Things we’re thankful for that may interest you, 너무.

세인트 장비 & 기술 우리의 시작 했어요 1989 때 우리가 분리 기술 설립 했다, 매사 추세 츠 기술 연구소에 의해 발명 상용화 독점 정전기 분리 과정 (MIT) scientist. 그 이후, we’ve broadened our scope to put our incredible technology to work in several different applications.

  • We created a process that removes ammonia from fly ash. 복구 하는 과정 100% 플라이 애 시의 취급 및 결과 재 콘크리트에 사용 하기 위해 모든 규격을 충족. Our ammonia removal process can be used alone or in combination with our carbon separation technology. 이 모듈식 접근 치료 그렇지 않으면 사용할 수 없게 재 위한 최저 비용 솔루션을 제공.
  • Our triboelectrostatic belt separator has been proven to be beneficial in the electrostatic separation of dry granular plant-based food materials. 많은 정전기 기술 하는 동안은 처리에 적합 하지 않은 잘게 땅, 공장 설비 재료에서 저밀도 분말, our process has demonstrated the capability to process fine particles from 500 받는 사람 1 micrometres at a high rate of speed.
  • Our triboelectrostatic belt separator eliminates the need for a fresh water supply, making it a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. As opposed to standard electrostatic separation techniques, our system extends the particle size range down to a finer level where only wet-separation flotation techniques have been successful before.
  • In terms of mineral separation, our process enhances your product by producing a greater range of grade materials recovered from your waste streams or tailings, increasing your profit potential from the same mined material.

그리고 마침내, we now offer small characterization analysis (최대 1 kg.) at no cost to our customers. If you’re interested in seeing how ST Equipment & Technology can help you get more from less, let’s talk about the mutually beneficial ways we can be thankful for partnering together.