Честит ден на земята!

Doing more with the resources we have available.

В неделя, Април 22nd, Светът чества Деня на земята. Тя започва през 1970 и стана годишен афера наблюдавана на същия ден, where various events are held to show support for environmental protection. Понастоящем, it is recognized in 193 countries around the globe.

ST оборудване & Technology thinks environmental protection is important, Твърде. It’s one of the reasons we created our proprietary triboelectrostatic belt separation process and found a way to apply its benefits to the Feed & Food industries.

How is this beneficial to both your business and the environment? Our process is:

ST Equipment & Technology

  • Energy efficient, so it can handle large capacity loads and process them rapidly, without being a burden to the electric grid.
  • A dry process, which eliminates the need for a fresh water supply. За разлика от стандартните електростатична сепарация техники, triboelectrostatic technology extends the particle size range to down to a finer level where only flotation techniques had been successful in the past.
  • Able to pull more useful material from what you are currently processing (and your waste streams) to provide you with different grades of products and a wide variety of particle sizes within the same flexible unit operation, providing you with a greater number of products to sell with a lot less waste being thrown away. Many other electrostatic technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, ниска плътност прахове от растителни материали.
  • Is compact, so it can be used on-site without having to utilize additional fuel on transporting material from your site to a processing center.

Така, in commemorating Earth Day, and every day, our process is better for the environment, better for your operation, and better for your bottom line. Contact us and let’s talk about what we can do to make you more green—in more ways than one.