
Betri aðgreining tækni hjálpar þér að grafa upp auka hagnað.

Langar að heyra skelfilega sögu? Eitt helsta vandamál við námurekstur um allan heim í dag er skortur á aðgengi að fersku vatni. Wet aðgreining aðferða, such as froth flotation, require the addition of chemical agents that must be handled safely and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

And once you’ve added these chemicals to the water needed for flotation and separation, you can no longer recycle 100% of that water because a portion of it will contain trace amounts of the chemical reagents.

Now for the happy ending: Dry methods, such as ST Equipment & Technology’s tribo-electrostatic belt separator, eliminate the need for a fresh water supply—making it a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. And as opposed to standard electrostatic separation techniques, tribo-electrostatic technology extends the particle size range to down to a finer level where only flotation techniques had been successful before.

Með öðrum orðum, our process allows you to:

  • Save money on having access to a fresh water supply.
  • Extract finer levels of minerals that not only pull more from your waste streams, it gives you varying grades of products that each have their own marketable applications.
  • Process on-site so you can mine materials in places that may have been inaccessible previously.

Are you doing the math? There’s nothing to be afraid of here. Our high-efficiency, multi-stage process can process a high volume of material without utilizing a lot of energy, að veita þér meira fyrir minna. Þannig að það eina sem kann að fara "bumba í nótt" með kerfið okkar, er framlegð þín.

Let ST búnaður & Tæknin varpaði einhverju ljósi á betri leið. Hafðu samband við okkur og við skulum ræða um hvernig við getum ójarðað meiri möguleika frá núverandi námurekstri.