Kala soocidda ubaxa gabbaldayaha iyo laanta

Kobcinta borotiinka ee cuntada gabbaldayaha

Muunada cuntada gabbaldayaha ee laga soo saaray Hexane ayaa la farsameeyay si loo kala saaro jajabyada borotiinka iyo fiber si loo soo saaro badeecad la cusboonaysiiyay iyadoo la adeegsanayo STET tribo-electrostatic suunka. Saliid borotiinno ka kooban yahay-
Cuntada abuurka abuurka ayaa leh codsiyo ku jira warshadaha quudinta xoolaha ee qiimahooda nafaqo ee la xoojiyey. Imtixaanka

quudinta ayaa la shiiday (qalalan) laba qaybood oo kala duwan, quudin adag oo leh D50: 70 micron, dubbe loo diyaariyey
warshad wax lagu shito iyo feed ka wanaagsan oo leh D50: 25 micron, oo lagu diyaariyey mishiinka hawada kala soocay. Abuurka gabbaldayaha ee engegan
shaybaarrada cuntada ayaa markaas la kala saaray iyadoo la isticmaalayo suunka tribo-electrostatic suunka wax soo saarka sare.
Wixii qallafsan (D50: 70 micron) muunad, quudin ka kooban qiyaastii 40% protein (salaysan qalalan) ahaa
loo kala saaray badeecada ka kooban 52% borotiin iyo badeeco leh a 29% protein, hal baas
iyada oo loo marayo kala-soocidda. Wixii ugu fiicnaa (D50: 25 micron) muunad, badeeco leh a 54% content protein ahaa
dhalin, oo leh wax-soo-saarka 25% protein, in hal mar la dhex maro kala qaybiyaha. Heerka alaabta
can be increased further by using the second pass i.e. re-processing the product of the first pass. Sunflower meal
separation images are shown below:

ST Equipment & Technology

ST Equipment & Technology

The tribo-electrostatic belt separator successfully demonstrated the capability to process ground
sunflower seed meal to significantly enrich the protein content. A key feature of this technology is that
efficient separation of feed components is achieved without the addition of water or chemicals, thereby
eliminating any downstream processing such as drying. It is a high rate, low energy usage, an industrially
proven processing device which can be utilized as a compliment to existing dry processing, or in
cases where alternative dry processing technologies, such as air classification, are shown to have limited

Fiber enrichment in oat bran:

Oat bran samples were processed to increase the fiber and associated beta-glucan content by separating the starch and fiber fractions, using STET tribo-electrostatic belt separator. Increased fiber and beta-
glucan content products are an important growing application in food industry due to the health benefits of these components. For this test, a sample of commercially available oat bran was purchased with a median particle size
(D50): qiyaastii. 800 micron.

The table below shows analytical results for the feed, product, and by-product (see image below). The results
show increased fiber and beta-glucan in the product, while the by-product is enriched in starch.

ST Equipment & Technology

ST Equipment & Technology

The tribo-electrostatic belt separator successfully demonstrated the capability to process oat bran to
separate fiber and starch. A key feature of this technology is that efficient separation of feed components
is achieved without the addition of water or chemicals, thereby eliminating any downstream processing such
as drying. It is a high rate, low energy usage, an industrially proven processing device which can be utilized
as a compliment to existing dry processing, or in cases where alternative dry processing
technologies, such as air classification, waxaa lagu muujiyey inay leeyihiin waxtarkoodu xaddidan yahay.

