Izinzuzo zeFly Ash ku-Ready-mix Concrete

Fly ash is the most mineral residue left over from burning coal by coal-fired power plants. I-Fly ash iyi-pozzolanic, meaning that it has cementitious properties. It is valuable for use in ready-mix concrete as a partial replacement for Portland cement. Futhi, it may be used in the manufacture of other building materials such as bricks, amathayili, and blocks.

Ukwengezwa komlotha okuxubekile kuxuba ukhonkolo kunikeza izinzuzo eziningi ngezinjongo zokwakha. It is also great for the environment. Ngoba kufike umuntu mumbe, umlotha oshiye endiza awudingi ukuthunyelwa ekuphakameni komhlaba. Kokunye, ukukhiqiza usimende kudinga inqubo yokubalwa yokushisa ephezulu ekhipha ukuphuma kwe-CO2. If every pound of fly ash is used to replace cement in concrete, cishe iphawundi elilodwa le-CO2 livinjelwe ukungena emkhathini. Ngezinjongo zokwakha, faka umlotha kukhonkolo osuvele usuxutshwe nalutho offers several advantages versus normal Portland cement-only concrete, kuhlanganise –


Concrete mixed with fly ash requires less water for production, okudala umkhiqizo omdonsayo ongavamisile ukuncipha. Lokhu kuyenza iqine futhi ithambekele ekuqhekekeni noma ekulimaleni. Ukuvunyelwa okuncane kunikezela ukumelana okukhulu kwesimo sezulu esibandayo ngokugcina umswakama namakhemikhali omgwaqo ngaphandle, ongancipha futhi unwebe njengoba amazinga okushisa ehluka ngokwangesizini.


The spherical shape of fly ash particles helps to facilitate the movement of the concrete, ngisho nasemanzini ancishisiwe kuqhathaniswa ukhonkolo ojwayelekile. Lokhu kwenza kube lula ukupompa, kulula ukuyibeka, and easier to mold, futhi kwakha ukuqeda okulula ngemininingwane ebukhali.


Usimende uyinto ebiza kakhulu kokhonkolo okulungele ukuxubeka. Ngokusebenzisa umlotha we-fly njenge-substitute, it can create a better product that is less expensive to produce. Umkhiqizo ongcono oshibhile ukwenza isibusiso kulabo ababukele phansi. Okusha, umlotha ongafakwanga impukane uvame ukuqukethe itshe lamalahle asalayo, noma ikhabhoni, ezingathinta ukusebenza kwawo noma amandla alo asetshenziswe kukhonkolo.

STET Process

I ST Izinsiza kusebenza & ubuchwepheshe electrostatic separation process can treat raw fly ash by removing the unwanted residual coal char. The resulting product is a mineral-rich concrete grade, kuthengiswa uphawu ProAsh®. Inqubo ye-STET ingasetjenziswa komlotha omusha omfushane nowakhiqizwa ngokomlando.