President Biden recently announced that the E-15 fuel alternative would be available to sell over the summer months. This increase in sales will also increase the production of ethanol and its co-products. One of the co-products—DDGS—is a protein-rich feed ingredient choice for ruminants, swine and poultry in the agricultural industry. In order to get the most from the DDGS co-product, ethanol producers should look to separation technology. ST Taputapu & Technology uses wehenga pateko to increase the protein content in DDGS and offer ethanol producers a new revenue stream.
E-15 is a renewable fuel alternative that utilizes ethanol to reduce carbon emissions. Ethanol has a lower carbon intensity by 40-50% as compared to gasoline from petroleum. E-15 is more environmentally friendly because it creates a blend of 15% ethanol to 85% gasoline with a lower carbon footprint and burns cleaner than other gasoline options.
In accordance with the Clean Air Act, E-15 is banned from being sold in the summer due to concerns about air pollution. Heoi, due to the Russia/Ukraine crisis and the impact on gasoline sales, President Biden has released an Emergency Fuel Waiver program that allows for E-15 to be sold this summer. This decision was made in an effort to reduce fuel costs and provide drivers with alternative fuel options.
Because E-15 requires more ethanol for blending, ethanol production is expected to increase. During the production of ethanol, co-products are also created. Ko tētahi o ēnei hua-tahi—DDGS - e tūmanako ana hoki kia nui ake hoki ngā hokohoko. DDGS (kākano rongoā maroke me ngā kōwaro) he hua tahi o te whakanao ethanol e whakamahia ana hei whāngai mo nga kararehe ahuwhenua.
E ai ki te USDA, "E whakanui ana i te whakaputa ethanol, Kua au whakarunga te whakanaotanga DDG mai i te tōmua o ngā tau 2000, […] Ahakoa kua tino nui te tipu o te putanga, Nā ngā au utu whakarunga i huatau ai kua mau tonu te tono ki te putanga […] I te mea he āhuatanga o te whakanaotanga ethanol te DDGS, Kei te āhua tonu te whakaputa DDGS i runga i te tono korohū."Ko te tikanga o tēnei, i te nui o te hiahiatanga o te ethanol, Ka pēnei hoki te whakanaotanga o DDGS.
I te mea he hua tahi te DDGS o te whakaputa ethanol, many farmers and businesses in the agricultural sector will utilize it as feed for livestock. Heoi, the immediate co-product available from ethanol production does not contain enough protein to be used in higher-value feed applications such as aquaculture and pet food in large quantities.
In order to manufacture DDGS ingredients that are best suited to both ruminants and monogastrics, many ethanol producers are looking at methods to fractionate the DDGS into protein-rich and protein lean products. STET offers a water-free fractionation process that can generate a high-value protein ingredient that meets the needs and demands of monogastric feeds.
ST Taputapu & Technology offers a DDGS fractionation process that is entirely independent of the ethanol plant. Ka taea te noho pātata te tukanga wehenga STET ki tētahi tipu ethanol, ki hea rānei i roto i te mekameka uara mea DDGS (i waho o te mira whāngai, hei tauira). He tino pai te tukanga STET ki te hanga i tētahi 48% hautanga DDGS pūmua e tika ana hei whakamahi i roto i ngā aqua uara tiketike me ngā whakarato kararehe. He mea tino pai tonu nga rawa taonga i roto i te kararehe me nga kai miraka kau.
Kua rite tō tipu ethanol, te mira whāngai rānei ki te whakaroha i ana moni hua mā te hanganga o te DDGS tino nui? ST Taputapu & Ka taea e te hangarau te āwhina. Mā roto i a tātau hangarau toi me ngā pūkenga wehenga, Kua āwhina a STET i ngā kiritaki puta noa i te ao kia whakapai ake i te pūteatanga. E hiahia ana koe ki te ako anō? Whakapā mai tēnei rā!