Vatnslaust próteinbætandi ferli fyrir eimingartæki korn

Þurr eimingartæki Korn (DDG) og Dry Distillers Grains Solubles (DDGS ð) are nutrient-rich co-product of the ethanol production process. Both are valuable food sources for the livestock industry, sérstaklega nautgripir. Both have been used as supplemental feed for several decades. They are becoming a more prominent commodity for a couple of reasons

As ethanol production increases, more and more DDG and DDGS are becoming available. For farmers, making it economical to use as a supplement with whole grains such as corn for feed.

It is a higher source of protein for cattle than raw-material counterparts. Notkun maís sem dæmi, tveir þriðju af hráum maís samanstendur af sterkju. It is a perfect source for the dry fermentation process that eventually produces ethanol. The co-product also has a relatively high-fat content, sem er fullkomið til að bæta magni við nautgripi náttúrulega, án stera.

Svo, það er vinna / vinna aðstæður fyrir báða aðila. As the supply of DDG and DDGS increases, einingarverð getur lækkað vegna meiri samkeppni frá ýmsum eimingarheimildum. Góðu fréttirnar eru þær að ST Búnaður & tækni (STET) is helping producers reap better profits from the same source material. By extracting more of the valuable protein material away from the fiber content by using a revolutionary and proprietary triboelectrostatic separation process.

Ávinningurinn af ferlinu hættir ekki þar. Ekki er þörf á vatni eða efnum til að framleiða DDGS-vöru í fyrsta flokks. That means no fresh water source is necessary and no holding ponds are needed to deactivate harmful chemicals. Að auki, STET skiltáknið getur starfað stöðugt á háum hraða (um það bil 15 tonn af inntaki á klukkustund), meðan þú neytir mjög lítillar orku í ferlinu. Svo, það er umhverfisvænt, einn heljarinnar vinnuhestur. There are no additional overhead costs needed to produce a premium product and more of it from your current feed streams.

If you’re in the ethanol-producing industry, gefa þér samkeppnisforskot. Viltu samband við ST Equipment & Technology and let’s discuss how you can put yourself at the head of the herd with livestock platforms.