Canola & koolzaad maaltijd

The STET elektrostatische scheiding process is completely dry, waarvoor geen water of chemische stoffen. Droge elektrostatische scheidingsmethoden bieden de mogelijkheid om nieuwe en meer functionele plantaardige proteïne producten te genereren, including canola seed meal or rapeseed meal with increased protein content for use as a high-value animal feed. This protein-enriched seed meal can be used as a non-GMO replacement for soy meal and add value to oil-crushing operators and feed producers.

A sample of solvent-extracted canola meal was purchased by STET for pilot testing. De koolzaad maaltijd werd fijn gemalen (Droge) gebruik van een hamer molen. Vanaf een begin deeltjesgrootte (D50) van 500 micron, the canola meal was reduced to a fine particle size appropriate for the STET separator at an energy consumption of less than 60 kW per ton. De fijngemalen koolzaad meel toonde een uitstekende scheiding van eiwitten. Het voedermonster met 36-38% eiwit (droge basis) was separated into a protein-enriched product in a single pass through the STET separator.

canola seed meal

The STET tribo-electrostatic riem scheidingsteken demonstrated the capability to process finely ground canola meal to significantly upgrade the protein content, making it more valuable as animal feed. The only material that was prepared prior to its introduction into the STET separator was grinding, die met succes werd bereikt met een hamer molen, een volwassen technologie die al wijdverbreid wordt gebruikt in de sector van de productie van oliehoudende zaden. The STET triboelectric belt separator offers many benefits for processing canola seed meal and rapeseed meal, including continuous operation, een hoge voedingssnelheid van maximaal 15 ton per uur Voer, laag energieverbruik, ease of operation, and high mechanical reliability.

rapeseed meal

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is it called rapeseed?

The namerapeseedcomes from the Latin wordrapum,” which means turnip. Rapeseed belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes cabbage and mustard, sharing similar characteristics with root crops like turnips.

2. Is rapeseed the same as canola?

Rapeseed and canola are closely related but not identical. Canola is a variety of rapeseed that has been selectively bred to have lower levels of erucic acid, making it safer for consumption and more suitable for oil production.

3. What is the difference between canola and rapeseed meal?

The primary difference between a canola meal and a rapeseed meal lies in their content of erucic acid and glucosinolates. Canola meal is made from canola, which has low levels of these components, while rapeseed meal may have higher levels, affecting its suitability for some applications.

4. What is the role of rapeseed meal in animal diets?

Rapeseed meal is a valuable protein source in animal diets, providing essential amino acids for livestock. It is often used as an affordable alternative to soy meal, boosting the nutritional content of feed and supporting healthy growth and productivity in animals.

5. Explain the nutrients and toxicants in rapeseed meal.

Rapeseed meal contains essential nutrients like proteins, vezel, and minerals, which are beneficial for animal nutrition. Echter, traditional rapeseed meal may also contain antinutrients and toxicants such as glucosinolates and erucic acid, necessitating processing to reduce these components for safe and effective use in feed.

