BIOS corporativos

ST Equipment & Technology

Tom Cerullo

ST Equipment & Technology

David Schaefer

Vice President of Engineering and Manufacturing
ST Equipment & Technology

Steve Sullivan

Vicepresidente, Desenvolvemento de negocios
ST Equipment & Technology

Herve Guicherd

Vicepresidente, Desenvolvemento de negocios
ST Equipment & Technology

Frank Hrach

Chief Technology Officer
ST Equipment & Technology

Lewis Baker

European Technical Support Manager

Kyle Flynn

Director, Desenvolvemento de negocios
ST Equipment & Technology

Abhishek Gupta

Xerente, Enxeñaría de procesos

Shuban Razdan

Director, Desenvolvemento de negocios, Canadá & India

Tomasz Wolak

Xerente, Desenvolvemento de negocios