DDGS Brochure

דאַונלאָוד פּדף

ST Equipment & Technology
סטריט עקוויפּמענט & טעכנאָלאָגיע (סטעט) offers ethanol or feed ingredient producers a revolutionary, completely dry, chemical free method to produce a value added, high protein DDGS product. STET’s technology concentrates protein by up to 15%, און אַזוי די ווערט פון די דיסטילערז קערל ווי אַ קאָרמען ינגרידיאַנט.דורך פּראַסעסינג מיט די STET סעפּאַראַטאָר, by separating protein from fiber. The protein rich product (50% פּראָטעין, טרוקן יקער) can then be formulated in mono-gastric feed applications at substitution ratios and sold at a premium. The fiber rich co-product maintains the value of the DDGS when used for ruminant feed, or it can be blended back into the plant’s DDGS without a significant impact to protein content.