Fæða og matvæli

Notkun tækni okkar í fóðri og matvælaiðnaði.

Oft sinnum, Þegar þú hugsar um að raffasta hafi notið góðs af ferli, þeim efnum sem koma upp í hugann eru Iðnaðarvörur eins og námuafurðir eða gróf fljúga Ash. þó, ferli okkar getur einnig nýst við fóðri og matvælum atvinnugreinum til að mæla próteininnihald korna og prófa margs konar fínlega jörð, þurrefnin.

Fyrsta einkaleyfið fyrir raffastan aðskilnað á hveitigrasi milliloft (the product of the wheat milling process that is not flour but that is a good source of protein, fiber and phosphorus, along with various other nutrients) was filed as early as 1880, meaning the process and demand for this kind of technology has been around for more than 130 Ára.

And while electrostatic separation methods have been used for many years on a commercial scale, previous methods have not been able to match the triboelectrostatic process developed and manufactured by ST Equipment & tækni.

All electrostatic separation processes contain a system to electrically charge the material coming through, separate the differently charged particles, and then collect the resulting materials. From research that has been conducted, augljóst er að rafstöðueiginleikar geta myndað nýjar, higher-value plant products, or offer an alternative to wet processing methods. þó, many electrostatic technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, low density powders from plant materials.

ST Equipment & Technology’s triboelectrostatic belt separator is not only proficient at processing very fine particles, it also does so at a high speed, making it a much better alternative on a commercialized scale.

We’d love to tell you more about how it works and, more importantly, how it can effectively work for you. Hafðu samband við okkur og við skulum tala um framtíð þíns fyrirtækja.