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Þú myndir halda að með ST búnaði & Tækni er (STET) eignarréttur rafstöðuaðskilnaðarferli (Uppfullur af Massachusetts Institute of Technology vísindamaður), we’d be pretty hush hush and clandestine about our operations. But the truth of the matter is we have a fully equipped pilot plant text facility in Needham, Massachusetts that we invite you to utilize.

We routinely use the pilot plant to quantify the separation and processing characteristics of a variety of industrially important materials including:

ST Equipment & TechnologyPulverized coal fly ash
Calcium bicarbonate
Heavy mineral sands
Iron ore
And many others

Because of this, our team of highly qualified technicians, laboratory chemists and process engineers can optimize the separation performance of your mineral and provide you with meaningful insights into the results.

Það er staðreynd, our analytical capabilities include:

ST Equipment & TechnologyEfnafræði eftir X-Ray fluorescence (XRF ð)
Eigindlega Mineralogy eftir X-Ray Difbroti (XDR)
Wet Screening and Dry Ultrasonic Screening
LECO kolefnis-og Rakagreining
Þurr Laser Kornastærð Greining
Sértæk Gravity með gas Pycnometer og/eða Kerosene Flask
Loss of Ignition (LOI) Testing up to 1100 degrees Celsius
Wet Chemistry Methods Including Acid Dissolution
Moisture by Loss in Weight
Open Microscopy

Interested in learning more? You can start by sending us a small sample of your mined material to us. We’ll use the information you provide to generate a report detailing the results of your sample along with recommendations on how to proceed with pilot scale testing, as applicable.

Once you have reviewed our recommendations and we can come to a consensus about the goals of your pilot testing program, we’ll issue a pilot plant test proposal.

So as you can see, our doors are wide open, and we stand ready to help you recover the most from your waste streams while producing a higher grade of product from the very start.

We look forward helping you optimize your operations in every way we can.