
Things we’re thankful for that may interest you, 太.

ST 设备 & 技术得到了我们的开始 1989 当我们建立分离技术, 麻省理工学院发明的一种商业化的专有静电分离工艺 (麻省理工学院) scientist. 从那时起, we’ve broadened our scope to put our incredible technology to work in several different applications.

  • We created a process that removes ammonia from fly ash. 进程恢复 100% 处理的飞灰和产生的灰符合混凝土使用的所有规格. Our ammonia removal process can be used alone or in combination with our carbon separation technology. 这种模块化方法为处理无法使用飞灰提供了成本最低的解决方案.
  • Our triboelectrostatic belt separator has been proven to be beneficial in the electrostatic separation of dry granular plant-based food materials. 虽然许多静电技术不适合精细研磨加工, 来自植物材料的低密度粉末, our process has demonstrated the capability to process fine particles from 500 自 1 micrometres at a high rate of speed.
  • Our triboelectrostatic belt separator eliminates the need for a fresh water supply, making it a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. As opposed to standard electrostatic separation techniques, our system extends the particle size range down to a finer level where only wet-separation flotation techniques have been successful before.
  • In terms of mineral separation, our process enhances your product by producing a greater range of grade materials recovered from your waste streams or tailings, increasing your profit potential from the same mined material.

最后, we now offer small characterization analysis (高达 1 kg.) at no cost to our customers. If you’re interested in seeing how ST Equipment & Technology can help you get more from less, let’s talk about the mutually beneficial ways we can be thankful for partnering together.