饲料, 食品 & 的未来


夏天总是让我们想到野餐. 西红柿和玉米即将进入季节, 天气温暖, 微风习习。, 孩子们正在准备上学。, 和较长的日光时间为我们提供了额外的时间,我们需要扔一点东西在烤架上. 然而, 喜欢关于蚂蚁和蝗虫的寓言, 我们也知道,秋天就在拐角处, 我们仍然有很多工作要做,现在,而天气是好, 这样我们才能通过准备来享受未来几个月的舒适.ST Equipment & Technology

这是 ST 设备 & 该技术专有的三波静电带分离器技术在饲料和食品行业发挥作用. 即使小麦粉中间的静电分离 (小麦铣削过程的产品,不是面粉,而是蛋白质的良好来源, 纤维和磷, 连同各种其他营养素) 已经周围超过 130 年, 显然,静电方法有可能产生新的, 高价值的植物产品, many of these technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, 植物材料中低密度粉末.

ST 设备 & Technology’s separation process is not only proficient at processing very fine particles from plant materials, it can do so at a high rate of speed, making it a much better alternative than other electrostatic process or even wet processes, on a commercial scale. 换句话说,, you can get more out of the product you’re already processing through a very energy-efficient system. That’s something that hard-working ants (and your bottom line) can fully appreciate.

联系我们 and let us show you how you can effectively work smarter without having to work harder. Then you can go back to enjoying all that summer has to offer and still be prepared for the future.