
What’s better than free? Peace of mind.

8月底通常也被认为是夏季的非官方结束, 因为白天越来越短, 孩子们回到学校。 … which brings us to the subjects of education and reports.

If you’re interested in the materials your mining right now and finding out how much of it produce profitable results, we’re offering a free characterization analysis of what you’re digging up. 只要给我们一个样品, 你的布雷材料 (高达 1 公斤) and we’ll evaluate if it’s a good candidate for beneficiation using ST Equipment & Technology’s proprietary electrostatic separation project.


ST Equipment & Technology

  1. 在建立一个全面的分离过程之前, 你会知道你所挖掘的东西的价值。. Our analysis will determine if the particle size distribution is suitable for our process, 以及找出如果材料是充分解放在单独的, 离散粒子. 我们还将测量元素(s), 矿物(s) 或感兴趣的属性, 以支持先导测试活动.
  2. 我们将提供您的小样本测试结果的详细报告, and offer recommendations on how to proceed with pilot-scale testing, 如果这是一个可行的选择. 一旦我们对试验计划的目标达成一致, 我们可以发出一个完整的试点工厂测试建议.
  3. The testing and reporting are free of charge for you, so you can make a quality assessment of your mining operation before spending a lot of money. That’s a lot of great information and a great value.

这个过程很容易, 太. 您需要知道的一切提供您的样品给我们的是包括在我们的 装运说明. We can accept both international inquiries and hazardous materials, 只要危险材料被适当地包装并且通过包括在运输指示的形式被证明.

We’ll do all the work and you’ll get a great education out of it. That’s pretty smart, don’t you think?