

夏天还没有正式结束, 但一旦劳动节周末已经过去了我们和孩子们都回到了学校, 许多人陷入了一种堕落的心态 (想想你已经接触过多少南瓜香料广告).

然而, 中。 2018 秋分不会正式发生, 直到 9:54 下午. (edt) 在星期六, 9月22日, 这意味着, 我们仍然可以挤出另一个星期或两个夏天, 如果我们真的把我们的头脑. [为了记录在案, 秋分发生在太阳从北向南穿过天体赤道的那一刻, 预示着从夏季到秋季的正式转变。]

That’s the kind of thinking we like around ST Equipment & 技术:

我们怎样才能检查人们认为是可以接受的东西, 并采取一些更远的东西?

这就是我们如何能够移动的静电分离过程是一个好的和有益的事情, 使它更美好.

这也是我们如何寻找不同的行业, 我们的专有摩擦电过程可以产生巨大的影响, 如采矿, 饲料 & 食物, 粉煤灰及更多. 我们的流程可以快速、高效地从大容量流中提取更多, 为您提供额外的收入流. Our method is also a dry process that can extend the particle separation down to a level where only wet-separation flotation techniques have been successful in the past. So it’s an environmentally friendly option that eliminates the need for a fresh water source.

Let’s do the math.

您从当前操作中获取更多, through a process that generates additional potential income, via a very fast, economic and environmentally friendly process. Plus our equipment can operate directly at your work site, so you don’t have to spend extra money trucking materials to a separation facility.

So endeth the lesson. When you’re ready to maximize your operations with minimal effort, contact ST Equipment & 技术.

We’d love to learn how we can help you.