ST Equipment & Technology (STET)
ST Equipment & Technology (STET) traces our origins to 1989, when our predecessor, Separation Technologies, Inc (STI), was founded to commercialize a proprietary electrostatic separation process invented by an MIT scientist.
Since then, our dedicated team of scientists, engineers, application experts, and business development professionals has focused on solving material processing challenges for our customers in North America, Europe, and Asia.
We now have:
- 23 commercial operations using our technology with 31 units deployed.
- Over 5 million tons of production capacity deployed into commercial operations
- More than 100 machine years of operation experience processing a wide variety of finely ground, dry granular powders.
- 19 patents for various separation process and equipment innovations
Our Mission
To utilize our proprietary technology and our team of deeply experienced professionals to enable the extraction of valuable products from waste streams and raw materials, in a manner that is water-free, emissions-free, and low in carbon footprint.
Our Vision
To be the global leader in dry triboelectric sustainable processing, delivering innovative separation solutions that maximize profit while minimizing waste, maximize resource recovery, and minimize environmental impact—empowering industries to thrive in a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Our Markets
Our electrostatic separators, designed to handle various particle types with precision and flexibility, can be applied to diverse applications. What’s more, our dry process diminishes operational costs and minimizes environmental impact.
We have a strong presence in the fly ash and minerals industries, and we are expanding into the animal feed and human food industries. Currently, STET focuses on four main markets:
Fly Ash
Animal Feed
Human Food
Our Approach
While we take pride in the quality and effectiveness of our electrostatic separation equipment, we are far more than an equipment or technology company.
Our STET® End-to-End Service Model encompasses a full range of services and support, spanning needs assessment and sample testing; trials and optimization of preparation steps; plant design, permitting, and construction; optimization and tuning; and ongoing maintenance, technical support, scale-up, and warehousing.
Meet Our Team
Management Team
Tom Cerullo
Frank Hrach
Chief Technology Officer
David Schaefer
Vice President of Engineering and Manufacturing
Lou Comis
Herve Guicherd
Vice President, Business Development
Kyle Flynn
Director, Business Development
Tomasz Wolak
Manager, Business Development
Abhishek Gupta
Director of Process Engineering
Natsuki Barber
Senior Food Technologist
Tom Newman
Process Engineer
Our Service Team
Kelsie Garretson
Lead Chemist
Kristin Cappello
Operations Manager
Jose Rivera Ortiz
Production and Development Manager
Tim Choi
Electrical and Controls Engineering Manager
Traci Geer
Office Manager
Scott Mechler
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Kamal Ghazi
Senior Project Manager
Lewis Baker
Service Manager
Richard Lane
Pilot Plant and Laboratory Technician