Kauntungan Batu Kapur

Semén Portland mangrupakeun bahan dasar beton. Beton kabentuk nalika semén Portland nyiptakeun némpelkeun cai anu meungkeut pasir sareng batu pikeun harden.

limestone beneficiation

Manufaktur semén Portland merlukeun kontrol ati bahan baku pikeun ngahasilkeun semén kualitas luhur. batu kapur (CaCO3), bareng jeung kuantitas dikawasa silika (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), beusi (Fe2O3) jeung elemen séjén anu blended babarengan saméméh calcination. Lamun aya batu lokal teu cukup pikeun nyadiakeun kualitas bahan baku diperlukeun, produk semén anu dihasilkeun moal minuhan standar kualitas industri diperlukeun. Dina kasus dimana bahan baku luyu teu bisa sourced, pabrik semén bisa jadi kudu meuli sumber kapur atawa bahan baku supplemental séjén, pikeun ngahontal kualitas campuran atah nu dipikahoyong. Ieu duanana ongkosna mahal, as it requires the transport of large quantities of material, and risky at it leaves cement manufactures open to supply disruptions. Given that cement and concrete is (literally) the foundation of the modern economy, controlling the supply of cement manufacturing materials is of critical importance.

process of limestone beneficiation

Many countries around the world have abundant cement grade limestone deposits. But in cases where access to cement grade limestone is expensive or limited (for example – located in environmentally sensitive areas), a dry limestone beneficiation process such as STET can assist in generating a long-term supply of high-grade limestone from lower grade varieties.

The STET separator has been proven in removing silicates and other contaminants from cement rock limestone prior to calcination, pikeun manjangkeun umur tur maksimalkeun pungsi recovery ti deposit batu semén.

Taroskeun kami ayeuna pikeun langkung seueur ngeunaan kumaha STET tiasa ngabantosan batu kapur anjeun / operasi ngolah kalsium karbonat.

