
És esgarrifós el bo que és el nostre procés.

Mary Shelley primer publicar la seva novel·la-ara famoses sobre el monstre de Frankenstein a 1818. The fictional piece features a young scientist who is able to deny death by using electricity to bring a body back to life – amb ramificacions horribles.

Que és dolent-por. Què és bo-por és com Equipment ST & Technology has created a tribo-electrostatic separator that utilizes differences in the surface chemistry between particles in feed material to create electrical charge differences to separate and collect valuable assets as small as 50 micres.

Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as “back from the dead,” but it does have some pretty cool beneficiation benefits.

What this means for commercial mining and mineral operations is the beneficiation of fine mineral ores using dry technology in a high velocity manner to extract greater results from almost any waste stream. En altres paraules, it can breathe new life into what you process and the value of what’s otherwise locked insidekind of like Dr. Frankenstein and his creation.

And the equipment it takes to carry out this process isn’t monstrous at all. L'equip del ST & Technology tribo-electrostatic belt separator is designed to process 40 metric tons of material per hour in a machine that is approximately 30 feet long, 5.5 feet wide i 10.5 feet tall; meaning it is compact enough to fit most on-site installation designs.

D'altra banda, the amount of electricity it takes to run the tribo-electrostatic belt separator is minimal, quite unlike the massive amounts of energy it took to bring the doctor’s creation to life. Així, it’s environmentally friendly and efficient, compactar enough to run on-site meaning that materials can be processed prior to shipping, and it can harvest you a greater yield els materials ja estan processament.

Ara que és una gran història, i no tan sols mantindrà a la nit. Contacti amb nosaltres per obtenir més informació, i començar a portar el seu negoci a la vida!