ST opreme & Tehnologija uporablja elektrostatike za proizvodnjo krmnih koproduktov z dodano vrednostjo iz industrije etanola

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electrostatics to produce value-added feed coproducts from the ethanol industryKer se robovi na izdelkih iz etanola zaostrijo ali izginejo, proizvajalci etanola se odločijo, da se bodo osredotočili na ustvarjanje vrednosti iz. Posušena destilata zrna s topnostmi (DDGS) have long been an undervalued coproduct. Toda na 28 za 32 odstotek beljakovin, vsebuje preveč beljakovin, da bi se uresničila njegova polna vrednost kot krma prežvekovalca, obenem pa je preniska beljakovina, da bi jo bilo mogoče uporabiti v visokih razmerjih substitucije za monogastrična krma, kot je ribogojstvo, swine, and poultry.

This is a common challenge across the animal feed industry and represents a huge opportunity in the field of precision animal nutrition, krmo, ki natančno izpolnjuje njene prehranske zahteve, opredeljene kot zagotavljanje krme za živali. Druge priložnosti, such as the rapid growth of aquaculture and the high cost and limited availability of fish meals, okrepiti ta tržni trend.

Ethanol production process

Suh, Wet, and Electrostatics Nedavno, multiple technologies have entered the market to address the need to generate high-protein coproducts. These technologies can be classified into two segments: ki so vključeni v proces proizvodnje etanola in delujejo na tokih. And those that occur after the ethanol production process and operate on dry process streams. The wet technologies often utilize combination of separation methods that rely on particle size modification such as grinding, segregacija velikosti delcev, kot sta filtracija ali presejanje, in ločitev gostote, kot je ločitev ciklona za ločevanje kvasa od rastlinskih vlaken. These systems may be before or after the fermentation stage. Vendar, the separation of protein from fiber occurs before distillers grains are dried. These wet systems are integrated into ethanol process and therefore operate simultaneously with ethanol plant.

V nasprotju s tem, dry processing methods are independent of the ethanol production process in namesto tega delujejo na DDGS tok neposredno. Takšni sistemi pogosto uporabljajo brušenje, air classification, or dry sieving. One novel approach uses electrostatic separation to generate high-protein DDGS by removing fiber in an entirely water-free, postopek za nazaj, ki je neodvisen od postopka proizvodnje etanola.


Elektrostatika je pojav, ki je skoraj vsakdo doživel iz prve roke v vsakdanjem življenju, vendar je le malo naletelo na industrijsko. It is the effect of rubbing a balloon on a person’s hair. Ker je gumijasti balon v stiku s človeškimi lasmi, odstrani elektrone iz las. To je zato, ker ima guma in večina polimerov visoko elektronegativnost (afinity za elektrone). Balon ostane z neto negativnim nabojem, z nabiranje dodatnih elektronov, in lase subjekta ima pozitiven naboj. Electrical charges repel each other, tako da lase subjekta stoji na koncu v prizadevanju, da poveča razdaljo med drugimi pozitivno napolnjenimi sklopi las.

V primeru DDGS, protein and fiber acquire opposite electrical charges upon contact with each other, allowing them to be separated from each other in a high-strength electric field.

Rastoča pozornost

Electrostatics is not a new phenomenon and has a large number of real-world and industrial applications. Elektrostatično ločevanje has been used by selected industries for many years. In mineral processing and recycling applications, elektrostatična ločitev je bila v komercialni uporabi vsaj za 50 let. Elektrostatična ločitev rastlinskih materialov je bila raziskana že več kot 140 let, s prvim patentom za elektrostatično ločevanje pšeničnega moke, vloženega že 1880.

Nedavno, elektrostatična obdelava je bila deležna velike pozornosti kot metoda za koncentriranje rastlinskih beljakovin. Ta razvoj je pospešila v preteklosti 10 za 20 let, z mnogimi raziskovalnimi univerzami v Evropi in ZDA. uporabo tehnik elektrostatičnega ločevanja za najširšo paleto materialov, vključno z DDGS, oljne sejemske obroke, in beljakovine graha in pulza. Iz te raziskave, je razvidno, da elektrostatične metode imajo potencial za ustvarjanje novih, rastlinske beljakovinske sestavine in proizvodi višje vrednosti, in ponujajo alternativo metodam za predelavo.

Metode elektrostatičnega ločevanja ponujajo prednosti pred metodami ločevanja namočenega, including cost and operational flexibility from the ethanol production process. Electrostatic separation methods also offer the advantage of requiring no chemicals or water. That makes cleaning easier since the rate of bacterial growth is reduced in dry products. And electrostatic separation is mild, in that it does not change the functionality of the native protein.

High protine coproducts

Ash and Feed

ST opreme & Technology has been using electrostatic separation in industrial applications since 1995. It is used to process fly ash from coal power plants. Over 20 million tons of product fly ash have been processed by the STET separators installed in the U.S. alone.

Although to some, repurposing technology to process fly ash (a glassy aluminosilicate mineral left over from burning coal for power) to concentrate plant protein from DDGS may seem strange. In truth, the DDGS market and the fly ash market share a surprising amount of similarities. For starters, both products are generated in large volumes in the U.S. With an estimated 36 million metric tons of distillers grains produced by the U.S. ethanol industry in 2019. By comparison, the U.S. coal-power industry generated around 35 million metric tons of fly ash in 2017. Both products are sold at low margins. Their value is highly dependent on processing and transporting large volumes at low costs.

Both DDGS and fly ash ultimately derive their value from displacing other higher-cost materials. Fly ash substitutes for cement, the most expensive component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS competes with other protein sources such as soy, oljne repice, and sunflower meal, among others.

DDGS and fly ash have to make the journey from low-value waste stream to value-added coproduct. Fly ash was long considered a waste product. To be landfilled until low-cost technologies enabled it to be recycled as a value-added component in ready-mix concrete. DDGS has made a similar evolution, from being considered a low-value feed material to becoming a manufactured feed ingredient. It is globally exported and increasingly sold under trademarked names with an emphasis on quality and consistency.


Ultimately, it looks likely that the long-term trend of maximizing the value of ethanol coproducts, including distillers grains, will continue. Processing technologies will continue to be critical to maximizing the technical performance of protein coproducts. Also, shaping their value-creation potential for the ethanol industry.

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