직장에서 애쉬: 석탄 플라이 애쉬 연못 및 매립지의 가치 흐름

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ST Equipment & Technology

Value Streams from Coal Fly Ash Ponds
and Landfills: Actual Sustainable Gains

For decades fly ash has proven to be a valuable additive for concrete buildings, 교량, 그리고 다른 구조. 그러나, as coal-fueled power plants are phased out, a steady supply source is diminishing. Because of declining coal power generation, rising demand as a cement extender in concrete, and environmental concerns for fly ash stored in landfills and ash ponds, harvesting and beneficiating fly ash residing in impoundments is gaining momentum. With over a billion tons stored in impoundments, there is enough fly ash to meet demand for decades.