Żerriegħa tal-ġirasol ikla

Il-proċess ta' separazzjoni elettrostatika STET huwa kompletament niexef, li ma teħtieġ l-ebda ilma jew sustanzi kimiċi. Metodi ta' separazzjoni elettrostatika niexfa joffru opportunità biex jiġu ġġenerati prodotti ġodda u aktar funzjonali tal-proteini tal-pjanti, including sunflower seed meal with increased protein content for use as a high value animal feed. This protein enriched sunflower seed meal can be used as a non-GMO replacement for soy meal, and add value to sunflower oil crushing operators and feed producers.

A sample of solvent extracted sunflower seed meal was purchased by STET for pilot testing. The sunflower meal was finely milled (Niexef) into two particle sizes, a coarser feed with a d50 = 70 mikron, prepared with a hammer mill and a finer feed with a d50 = 25 mikron, prepared with an air classified mill. The dry sunflower seed meal samples were then separated using the STET tribo-electrostatic belt separator. Subsamples of the negatively charged and positively charged products were measured for protein using the DUMAS method.

sunflower seed meal

Finely milled dry sunflower seed meal samples demonstrated excellent sunflower protein separation. For the coarser (d50 = 70 mikron) sample, the feed sample containing approximately 39% Proteina (bażi xotta) was separated into a product containing 52% protein and a by-product with a 29% Proteina, in a single pass through the separator. For the finer (d50 = 25 mikron) sample, a product with a 54% protein content was generated, with a by-product with 25% Proteina, in a single pass through the separator.

sunflower protein separation

The tribo-electrostatic belt separator demonstrated the capability to process finely ground sunflower seed meal to significantly upgrade the protein content, li jagħmilha aktar ta' valur bħala għalf tal-annimali. The STET tribo-electric belt separator offers many benefits for processing sunflower meal including continuous operation, rata għolja ta' għalf sa 15 tunnellati fis-siegħa għalf, konsum baxx ta' enerġija, il-faċilità tal-operat u l-affidabbiltà mekkanika għolja.

sunflower meal protein equipment

