Kestävyys hyödyt Fly tuhkan käytöstä betonissa

Betoni on arvokas hyödyke rakennus teollisuudessa. On edullista valmistaa, tarjoaa kuitenkin laadukkaita, Joustavuutta, and a durable product that can be used in a number of different ways. Kuitenkin, given its extensive use in construction, the question can be raised about its sustainability. Tuo on, how it can be used today without compromising the needs of the future?

The sustainability of a product depends on its environmental, economic, and social impact. To reach sustainability, a commodity must take into consideration all three components. In the case of concrete, sustainability means finding new ways to manufacture an exceptional alternative to cement without jeopardizing the quality of the end product or depleting the resources needed to create it.

The use of fly ash as supplementary cementitious material (Scm) has been proven to be effective at maintaining the sustainability of concrete. Since fly ash is the combustion byproduct of coal-fired power generating plants, it’s readily available without taxing natural resources or the energy it takes to mine and manufacture those resources. Lisäksi, for each pound of fly ash used in concrete instead of cement, one pound of carbon dioxide emissions is kept from the atmosphere.

In response, some might ask about the energy it takes to properly extract a quality grade of fly ash to produce exceptional concrete. ST laitteet & Technology has the answer—our triboelectrostatic belt separator. It’s not only capable of processing a high volume of material using a minimal amount of energy, but it can also sort down to exceptionally fine particle sizes, producing an extraordinary concrete component. Lisäksi, the process uses dry separation, thus producing very fine grades of output that have only been achieved by flotation separation methods in the past.

ST laitteet & Technology is committed to supporting the sustainability of using fly ash in concrete, as well as the sustainability of products in other industries. By being able to get more from existing components such as fly ash, we’re helping businesses and industries secure better profits while protecting our natural resources and the environment.