Elektrostatikoa Bereizteko Makina

STET banatzailea plaka paralelo elektrostatikoa banatzailea da. Hala, the electrode plates are oriented horizontally as opposed to vertically, as is the case with most parallel plate separators. Horrez gain, the STET separator accomplishes the particle turbo-charging and conveying simultaneously by a high-speed open mesh conveyor belt. This feature allows for both a very high specific processing rate of feed and the capability to process powders much finer than conventional electrostatic devices.

The mineral separator machinery has been in commercial operation since 1995, Erre gabeko karbono bereizten euli errauts mineralak (tipikoa D50 gutxi gorabehera 20 mm) ikatzezko zentraletan. This electrostatic separation machine has also been successful at beneficiating other inorganic materials, including minerals such as kaltzio karbonatoa, talc, barite, eta besteak. The STET separator has also been successfully applied to processing agricultural materials such as oilseed meals and pulses, animal meals, and rendering products.

STET banatzailea oinarrizko xehetasunak behean ilustratua dira. partikulak dira triboelectric eragina kobratuko partikula-to-partikula talkak bidez elektrodoen arteko aldea barruan. The applied voltage between the electrodes is between ±4 and ±10 kV relative to the ground, guztira tentsio aldea emanez 8 - 20 Oso estua elektrodo nominaldi hutsune bat topatu kV 1.5 cm (0.6 hazbeteko). Feed particles are introduced to the electrostatic separation machine at one of three locations (feed Portuak).

The electrostatic separation machine produces only two products: a negatively charged particle stream collected on the positively charged electrode and a positively charged particle stream collected on the negatively charged electrode. The products are conveyed to the respective hoppers at each end of the electrostatic separation machine by the separator belt and fall out of the separator by gravity. The machine does not produce a middlings or recycle stream, anitz pass konfigurazio produktuaren garbitasun eta / edo berreskuratzeko hobetzeko nahiz posible dira.

electrostatic separation machine

Partikulak elektrodo hutsunea bidez transmititu dira (bereizketa zona) etengabeko begizta batek, irekita sare Gerriko. Gerriko abiadura handian funtzionatzen. Gerriko geometria balio partikula finak miaketan elektrodoen azalera off, preventing the accumulation of fine particles that degrades the performance and voltage field of traditional free-fall parallel plate-type electrostatic separation machines. Gainera, Gerriko sheer altua sortzen, bi elektrodoen arteko turbulentzia handiko zona, promoting turbo-charging. The counter-current travel of the separator belt allows for continuous charging and re-charging of particles within the separator, eliminating the need for a pre-charging system upstream of the machine.

The electrostatic separation machine is a high feed rate, komertzialki frogatua prozesatzeko sistema. The maximum processing capacity of the machine is mostly a function of the volumetric feed rate that can be conveyed through the electrode gap by the separator belt. Beste aldagai, hala nola gerriko abiadura gisa, the distance between the electrodes, and the aerated density of the powder, affect the maximum feed rate, normalean neurri txikiagoan.

nahiko dentsitate handiko material For, such as hegan lizarra, the maximum processing rate of a 42-inch (106 cm) electrode-width commercial separation unit is roughly 40 - 45 feed orduko tona. feed gutxiago trinko material For, gehienezko feed-tasa baxuagoa da.

feed MaterialGutxi gorabeherako trinkotua Bulk dentsitatea
Gutxi gorabeherako STET 42 Inch banatzailea Gehienezko jario baloratu
Fly Ash60 - 80 libra / ft 3 (1000 -1300 kg / m3)40 - 45 orduko tonako
Talkoa30 - 40 libera / ft 3 (500 - 600 kg / m3)
15 - 20 orduko tonako
Gari irina
30 - 40 libera / ft 3 (500 - 600 kg / m3)
15 - 20 orduko tonako

The STET separator provides end users with adjustable control of product quality and can be integrated into existing process flowsheets. Gainera, STET banatzailea anitz automatizazioa aukera ditu:


  • On-board PLC Kontrolak
  • Auto elektrodo hutsunea doikuntza
  • Auto Gerriko tensioning
  • Auto Gerriko jarraipena
  • IMHko (Giza Machine Interface) Ukipen-pantaila kontrolak
  • Built-in Alarm and Fault functions are dynamically generated for safe operation
  • One botoia Auto-hasiera / Auto-stop ezaugarriak

STET unean bi STET banatzailea tamainak eskaintzen:

Gure 42 "Bereizlea

Makina hau da, gutxi gorabehera 9.1 metro (29 oinak, 11 ¾ hazbeteko) luze; 1.7 metro(5 oinak, 7 hazbeteko) zabal; 3.2 metro (8 oinak 1 7/8 hazbeteko) handiko. sistemaren trinkotasun instalazio diseinuak ere malgutasuna ahalbidetzen eta prozesuak eman behar 40 orduko tona errauts for.

energia-kontsumoa buruz 1 material tona bakoitzeko kilowatt orduko prozesatu, botere gehiena kontsumitu bien arabera 50 HP (37 kW) gerriko gidatzen duten motorrak.

Gure 24 "Bereizlea

Makina hau da, gutxi gorabehera 9.1 metro (29 oinak, 11 ¾ hazbeteko) luze; 1.2 metro(4 oinak 1 hazbeteko) zabal; 3.2 metro (8 oinak 1 7/8 hazbeteko) handiko, bertan 18 "edo baino 42 estuagoa" eredua egiteko, eta gora prozesatu ahal da 23 elikatu orduko tona.

energia-kontsumoa buruz 1 material tona bakoitzeko kilowatt orduko prozesatu, botere gehiena kontsumitu bien arabera 30 HP (22KW) gerriko gidatzen duten motorrak.