Fly ash is the most mineral residue left over from burning coal by coal-fired power plants. Fly phulusa ndi pozzolanic, meaning that it has cementitious properties. It is valuable for use in ready-mix concrete as a partial replacement for Portland cement. komanso, it may be used in the manufacture of other building materials such as bricks, matailosi, and blocks.
Kuphatikiza kwa phulusa la ntchentche posakaniza konkriti kumapereka zabwino zingapo pazomangamanga. It is also great for the environment. pakuti munthu wina, phulusa lomwe latsala silikuyenera kutumizidwa kuti likatayidwe. Wina, kupanga simenti kumafunikira njira yowerengera kwambiri yomwe imatulutsa mpweya wa CO2. If every pound of fly ash is used to replace cement in concrete, pafupifupi peresenti imodzi ya CO2 imaletsedwa kulowa mumlengalenga. Pazomangamanga, kuwuluka phulusa mu konkriti wokonzeka wosakanikira offers several advantages versus normal Portland cement-only concrete, kuphatikizapo –
Concrete mixed with fly ash requires less water for production, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti pakhale zopanga zomwe sizichedwa kupindika. Izi zimapangitsa kuti ikhale yamphamvu komanso yocheperako kusweka kapena kupenyerera. Kuvomerezeka kochepa kumapereka kukana kwakanthawi-kochedwa pakusunga chinyezi ndi mankhwala akumsewu kunja, omwe amatha kuzimiririka ndikukula momwe matenthedwe amasinthira nyengo.
The spherical shape of fly ash particles helps to facilitate the movement of the concrete, ngakhale pamadzi ochepetsedwa poyerekeza ndi konkriti wamba. Izi zimapangitsa kukhala kosavuta kupopa, zosavuta kuyikapo, and easier to mold, ndipo imapanga kumaliza kosalala ndi tsatanetsatane wakuthwa.
Simenti ndi chinthu chodula kwambiri cha konkriti wokonzeka wosakaniza. Pogwiritsa ntchito phulusa la ntchentche m'malo mwake, it can create a better product that is less expensive to produce. Malonda abwinopo omwe ndi otsika mtengo kwambiri amapindulitsa ndi omwe akuwonera pansi. Pachala, phulusa la ntchentche lomwe silinasinthe nthawi zambiri limakhala ndi chotsalira cha makala amoto, kapena kaboni, zomwe zimatha kusintha magwiridwe ake kapenanso kuthekera kwake kugwiritsidwa ntchito konkriti.
The cha ku Switzerland Zida & Technology electrostatic separation process can treat raw fly ash by removing the unwanted residual coal char. The resulting product is a mineral-rich concrete grade, ogulitsa ProAsh ®. Njira ya STET ikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito ponse ponse patsopano komanso phulusa lomwe laphimbidwa.