Zambiri zaife

cha ku Switzerland Zida & Technology wa (STET) kuloŵedwa, kupatukana matekinoloje (cha ku Switzerland) anakhazikitsidwa mu 1989 kuti zopindulitsa ndi kampani electrostatic kupatukana ndondomeko anatulukira ndi MIT wasayansi.

mu 1994 Cha ku Switzerland olowa analoŵa ndi Titan America, ndi wocheperapo US wa Titan Gulu, kugwiritsa ntchito luso mu beneficiating ntchentche phulusa kwaiye zomera malasha amapanga mphamvu. Zimenezi zinathandiza mankhwala phulusa, otchedwa ProAsh, kugwiritsidwa ntchito mu ntchito yapamwamba mtengo konkire, rather than being disposed of in landfills. Komanso chiwerengero cha mpweya zotsalira za konkire.

mu 2002 Titan America anapeza cha ku Switzerland, kupanga izo eni malonda wagawo. The ntchito padera kukhala, yomanga ndi opaleshoni ntchentche phulusa zomera ndi malonda ProAsh kudutsa US kum'mawa ndi Canada. Komanso anayamba pulogalamuyo ufulu kulola lachitatu maphwando kugulira zipangizo kwa processing phulusa padziko lonse lapansi. Ndi isanayambike wa 2007 kumanga mavuto, Cha ku Switzerland kunanditsegula ukulu kupitirira ntchentche phulusa ena mchere zabwino kuti zikhoza electrostatically adawalamulira.

mu 2014 the equipment and technology business was spun out from the fly ash processing and sales operations, kukhala STET. Ntchito phulusa opaleshoni akupitiriza dzina ProAsh. ProAsh ndi licensee yekha ntchito zida STET a ntchito ntchentche phulusa mu US kum'mawa ndi Canada.

STET’s mission is to be a global leader in sustainable, zachilengedwe-phokoso, yosafuna ndi odalirika njira imene imathandiza kuti makasitomala athu kuchotsa mankhwala wapatali kwa chakudya ndi zinyalala mitsinje, m'njira madzi-free, emissions-free, and low in carbon footprint.

Today, STET wapereka ndipo analamula mayunitsi olekanitsa kwa makasitomala mu North America, Europe ndi Asia, ndi zoposa 5.0 M matani pa chaka mphamvu anaika processing. STET ali pa 100 makina zaka zambiri ntchito processing zosiyanasiyana pansi finely, youma granular ufa. STET ali ndi timu odzipereka asayansi, akatswiri, application experts, and business development professionals focused on solving separation challenges for our customers.