Is-sejba ta ' sostituzzjoni għall-ħut mitħun fl-g ħalf tal-akkwakultura

Permezz: | Posted fil: għalf & ikel | l-Erbgħa, awissu 7, 2019 - 7:52am
Fish Meal

Aquaculture is known as aquafarming. It is the growth and harvesting of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic plants in controlled lakes, ponds, or saltwater structures. It is an alternative to

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Għaliex il-konsumaturi qed jieklu inqas laħam u jagħżlu proteini tal-pjanti

Permezz: | Posted fil: għalf & ikel, Aħbarijiet | Saturday, awissu 31, 2019 - 5:58am

Protein is critical for human existence. Our hair and nails are made up primarily of protein. Our bodies use protein to build and repair tissues. Protein is an important building

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