Proċess ta ' titjib tal-proteina mingħajr ilma għall-qmuħ tad-distillaturi

Qmuħ tad-Distillaturi Niexfa (DDG) u l- Dry Distillers Grains Solubles (DDGS) are nutrient-rich co-product of the ethanol production process. Both are valuable food sources for the livestock industry, speċjalment l-ifrat taċ-ċanga. Both have been used as supplemental feed for several decades. They are becoming a more prominent commodity for a couple of reasons

As ethanol production increases, more and more DDG and DDGS are becoming available. For farmers, making it economical to use as a supplement with whole grains such as corn for feed.

It is a higher source of protein for cattle than raw-material counterparts. L-użu tal-qamħ bħala eżempju, żewġ terzi tal-qamħ mhux ipproċessat huwa magħmul minn lamtu. It is a perfect source for the dry fermentation process that eventually produces ethanol. The co-product also has a relatively high-fat content, li hija perfetta għaż-żieda tal-massa mal-baqar b'mod naturali, mingħajr sterojdi.

Hekk, hija sitwazzjoni ta ' rebħa / rebħa għaż-żewġ naħat. As the supply of DDG and DDGS increases, il-prezz ta' l-unità jista' jonqos minħabba kompetizzjoni akbar minn sorsi varji ta' distillazzjoni. L-aħbar it-tajba hija li t-Tagħmir ST & teknoloġija (STET) is helping producers reap better profits from the same source material. By extracting more of the valuable protein material away from the fiber content by using a revolutionary and proprietary triboelectrostatic separation process.

Il-benefiċċji tal-proċess ma jieqfux hemm. L-ebda ilma jew kimiċi ma huma meħtieġa biex jipproduċu prodott DDGS ta 'grad premium. That means no fresh water source is necessary and no holding ponds are needed to deactivate harmful chemicals. Barra minn dan, is-separatur STET jista 'jopera kontinwament b'rata għolja (Madwar 15 tunnellati ta' input fis-siegħa), filwaqt li tikkonsma ftit li xejn enerġija fil-proċess. Hekk, huwa favur l-ambjent, waħda heck ta 'xogħol. There are no additional overhead costs needed to produce a premium product and more of it from your current feed streams.

If you’re in the ethanol-producing industry, agħti vantaġġ kompetittiv lilek innifsek. kuntatt ST Tagħmir & Technology and let’s discuss how you can put yourself at the head of the herd with livestock platforms.