

The ST separator is relatively compact. Designed to process up to 40 tonnes per hour, the machine is approximately 9.1 meters long, 1.7 meters wide and 3.2 meters high. Compactitatea sistemului permite flexibilitate în proiectarea de instalare.

The belt and associated rollers are the only moving parts of the separator. Electrozii sunt staționari și compus dintr-un material durabil în mod corespunzător. Consumul de energie este de aproximativ 1 kilowatt-oră pe tonă de material prelucrat, with most of the power consumed by the two motors driving the belt.

Spațiu liber mic, câmp electric ridicat, counter-current flow, vigorous particle-particle agitation and self-cleaning action of the belt on the electrodes are the critical features of the ST separator. Through charging /recharging and internal recycle, the separator achieves superior high efficiency multi-stage separations. It is effective on fine materials that cannot be separated by conventional techniques.