Kasempetan Pikeun Produsén Étanol Pikeun Ngaronjatkeun Pernikahan

Numutkeun kana laporan tina Administrasi Énergi Énergi, operasi beroperasi pikeun pepelakan étanol suluh berbasis jagung turun ka handap dina taun-taun rendah 2019. Ieu disababkeun sabagian sabab produksi terus tinggi, sanajan kamekaran tanaga domestik kawates pikeun suluh. Salaku tambahan, small refinery exemptions have further hurt. Demanded by allowing blenders to reduce the required volumes of ethanol incorporated into fuels.

Nalika margin dina produk étanol tetep ketat, seueur produsén étanol milih fokus dina ngadamel nilai tina étanol co-produk. Galur garing Grain sareng Larut (DDGS) parantos lami lami-aya produk co-undervalued. Di 28-32% protéin, ngandung teuing protéin pikeun ngémutan nilai pinuh ku feed ruminant. While at the same time being too low in protein to be utilized in high substitution ratios for monogastric feeds like aquaculture, swine, and poultry. Ieu mangrupikeun tantangan umum dina industri feed sato. It represents a huge opportunity in the field of “precision animal nutrition”. It is defined as providing an animal with feed that precisely meets its nutritional requirements.

Pikeun meunang mangpaat tina DDGS, ST Equipment & teknologi (STET) nawiskeun téknologi pamrosésan khusus pikeun ngahasilkeun a 50% protéin DDGS. urang prosés pamisahan garing triboelectrostatic tos rengse bebas tina prosés produksi étanol. It is allowing it to be commissioned with no interruption to the ethanol plant operation. Salaku tambahan, sistem tiasa dipasang dina fase atanapi jalur. So that production of the high protein product can be ramped up gradually, sareng biaya investasi tiasa disebarkeun.

Sanaos tangtangan pasar ayeuna, masih aya kabutuhan pikeun produksi étanol. Naha henteu ngamangpaatkeun produk co-tina prosés pikeun ningkatkeun margin anjeun sareng nyobaan mangpaat tina sumber jagung bangsa?