
What’s better than free? Peace of mind.

8月底通常也被認為是夏季的非官方結束, 因為白天越來越短, 孩子們回到學校。 … which brings us to the subjects of education and reports.

If you’re interested in the materials your mining right now and finding out how much of it produce profitable results, we’re offering a free characterization analysis of what you’re digging up. 只需向我們傳送您的開採材料樣本 (高達 1 公斤) and we’ll evaluate if it’s a good candidate for beneficiation using ST Equipment & Technology’s proprietary electrostatic separation project.


ST Equipment & Technology

  1. 在設定全面分離過程之前,您將瞭解挖掘內容的價值. Our analysis will determine if the particle size distribution is suitable for our process, 以及找出材料是否足夠解放在分開, 離散粒子. 我們還將測量元素(s), 礦物(s) 或支援測試測試活動的興趣屬性.
  2. 我們將提供有關您的小樣本測試結果的詳細報告, and offer recommendations on how to proceed with pilot-scale testing, 如果這是一個可行的選擇. 一旦我們就試驗測試計劃的目標達成一致, 我們可以發佈一個完整的試驗工廠測試建議.
  3. The testing and reporting are free of charge for you, so you can make a quality assessment of your mining operation before spending a lot of money. That’s a lot of great information and a great value.

這個過程很簡單, 太. 關於向我們提供樣品,您需要瞭解的一切都包含在我們的 裝運說明. We can accept both international inquiries and hazardous materials, 只要危險材料通過運輸說明中包含的表格進行正確包裝和記錄.

We’ll do all the work and you’ll get a great education out of it. That’s pretty smart, don’t you think?