
铝土矿是一种沉积岩,富含氧化铝, 制造铝的底座. It is generally easy to mine because it is found near the surface of the terrain. 然而, the process of separating the alumina from the other base elements in bauxite can be environmentally unfriendly.

对于铝土矿精炼,拜耳工艺将宝贵的氧化铝与周围材料分离,涉及腐蚀性材料, 高温, 和压力. 由此产生的废物流, 特别是从铝土矿, 是一种泥浆,俗称"红泥","必须保存在保持池塘,直到溶液的毒性中和. 如果保持池塘发生故障,并且溶液被释放到当地水道中,红泥可能会对环境产生严重的影响.

尽量减少红泥的产生,并在工艺开始时提取更多的氧化铝, ST 设备 & 技术的 三波静电带分离器 can be used prior to the Bayer process. It removes silicates from bauxite and increases available alumina from finely ground bauxite. 结果是回收了更多的氧化铝, 减少使用昂贵的腐蚀性苏打水, and a reduced need for red mud-holding ponds. A reduction in the amount of energy needed during the Bayer process to heat and pressurize the mined materials.

ST 设备 & 技术的皮带分离器也非常节能. It can process a large amount of feed material per hour. It is small enough to be used on-site at refining operations, 降低运输成本.

换句话说,, 您将节省处理成本, making more money on the additional alumina. You’ll be pulling from the feed material, and you can present your mining company as an eco-friendly operation. It goes a long way toward building a good reputation with the locals.