Naon beneficiation tur Anjeun bisnis kumaha tiasa eta kauntungan?
Dina industri pertambangan, definisi standar beneficiation nyaeta sagala proses eta ngaronjatkeun (kauntungan) the economic value of mined ore. Removing valueless materials, results in a higher grade of the product.
Di ST Equipment & teknologi, our definition differs slightly. We not only improve the value of the product coming out of our proprietary triboelectric belt separator process. We can also collect all of the useful materials separated out, nyadiakeun anjeun kalawan rupa-rupa hambalan tina produk.
Ieu alus keur anjeun bisnis di sababaraha cara:
janten, garis handap nyaéta garis handap anjeun. Anjeun meunang leuwih ti operasi anjeun ayeuna, ngaliwatan hiji prosés anu dibangkitkeun poténsi panghasilan tambahan via pisan gancang, economical, and eco-friendly process. Komo leuwih alus, proses ieu bisa dilakukeun dina loka, so you don’t have to spend fortune trucking materials to separation facility.
Mun kabeh eta beneficiation hurung mangpaat ka anjeun, give us a call. Let’s get your operation moving forward.