Биафтед ба парвоз Ash

Гирифтани бештар аз ҷараёни партовҳои хокистари магаси шумо.

Бар асоси як пурсиши солона, ки аз ҷониби Ассотсиатсияи амрикоии хокистари ангишт гузаронида мешавад (ACAA) миёни 1966 ва 2011, бештар аз 2.3 billion short tons of fly ash was produced by coal-fire utility boilers. Of that total amount, танҳо дар бораи 625 million tons of that fly ash was used in a beneficial manner, асосан барои семент ва маҳсулоти бетонӣ. The remaining 1.75 billion tons went to landfills or filled ponded impoundments. While use rates for recently generated fly ash have increased considerably in more recent years, тахминан 40 million tons is still disposed of annually.

That’s not only a huge loss in terms of the production value of the wasted fly ash, it’s also a terrible burden on the environment. It’s one of the reasons why ҲА Таҷҳизот & Technology came up with a better way to separate dry materials such as fly ash through a proprietary Triboelectrostatic benefication process.

Мо environmentally responsible, water-free system doesn’t require the use of chemical or biologicals, so it can liberate particles less than 500 microns дар ҳаҷми. The result is a greater, more valuable yield of materials for our clients, as well as a considerably lower amount of waste going to landfills.

It’s one of the reasons why ST Equipment & Technology was chosen as a key supplier in the construction of the New World Trade Center. We produced thousands of tons of high quality fly ash that was used in the creation of superior concrete that is extremely strong and durable.

What can we do for your business? In addition to fly ash, our separation process can be used for a variety of applications with minerals that include Barite, талк, карбонати калсий, Potash, регҳои минералї, Feldspar and more. Contact us and let’s discuss how we can turn your waste stream into a profit center.