Pananjung gaganti pikeun fishmeal di feed aquaculture

Aquaculture is known as aquafarming. It is the growth and harvesting of fish, crustacea, mollusks, jeung tutuwuhan akuatik di situ dikawasa, ponds, or saltwater structures. It is an alternative to catching or harvesting seafood in the wild. Spésiés umum kapanggih dina kebon aquaculture kaasup trout, lauk salmon, nila, cobia, Sea bass, lélé, belut, udang, remis, sarta tiram, ka sawatara ngaran. Ieu cara terrific ngokolakeun kelestarian lauk penting komersil sarta kadaharan ti laut.

Fish meal

Roughly 50 ka 70% of the expense associated with aquaculture comes from the fish meal fed to the aquaculture residents. Fishmeal biasana asalna dina bentuk pellets garing nu nutritionally dirancang kalayan 40 different nutrients. These nutrients needed by fish, kaasup vitamin, mineral, asam amino, jeung sababaraha lemak. Bahan utama fishmeal datangna ti Panén leutik, buka-sagara (pelagic) Lauk kayaning anchovies, lauk Herring, menhaden, sardines, sarta mackerel.

lebar, loba lauk pelagic geus leuwih-dipanén, causing environmental watchdog agencies to impose catch limits to keep these resources sustainable, ogé. Dina waktosna, the aquaculture industry is looking for alternatives. That can provide the nutrition their fish need without endangering other species. The feed and food industry is stepping up to meet the demand.

Alternative of Fish meal

vitamin, mineral, jeung asam amino diperlukeun pikeun fishmeal bisa kapanggih dina protéin tutuwuhan nu tangtu. Sanajan, these proteins can be extracted using a dry separation method, lajeng nyiptakeun tipung nu bisa ngarupakeun pertahanan sakumaha diperlukeun, tur ngawangun kana kualitas luhur, palatable, fishmeal basis tutuwuhan.

ST Equipment & Technology is leading the charge in this environmentally friendly food alternative with our proprietary triboelectrostatic dry separation process. Konci pikeun nyieun powders protéin-ngahasilkeun tinggi tina tutuwuhan nyaeta pikeun maksimalkeun pungsi ngahasilkeun protéin tanpa compromising purity na. Ku keur sanggup powders tutuwuhan misah ka handap pikeun tingkat pohara rupa tampa kudu ngaruksak pungsionalitas molekul protéin. Our process can maximize crop yields, nyumbang kana kelestarian spésiés lauk pelagic, jeung ngarojong industri aquaculture.

ST Equipment & teknologi

Salaku populasi dunya terus naek jeung paménta global pikeun sumber kadaharan alternatif accelerates kalawan eta. ST Equipment & Téhnologi bakal aya, nyadiakeun téhnologi diperlukeun sangkan hal hébat lumangsung. Taros Kami to know more about us.