Once deposits of iron ore are extracted from the ground. They must be processed in order to increase the iron content and decrease the concentration of gangue minerals. This process is known as beneficiation. Depending on the type of processing equipment, the iron ore beneficiation process can take many steps, or it can take just two. With the ST Equipment & Tehnologija (STET) triboelektrično ločilo, you can get a higher quality product in less time, z nižjimi stroški.
There are a few different types of separation technology equipment that can be used to produce high-quality iron ore. With each type of equipment, the process begins with crushing and grinding. Then it can be followed up with separation and finally with dewatering. Each of these steps is necessary for these processes and can cause the process to take longer and cost more.
In order to properly separate the different materials found in the iron ore deposit, it must first be ground into a coarse or fine powder. This allows the different elements to be liberated from each other and thus easier to separate. The crushing and grinding process can occur multiple times and is performed in a number of ways. The final objective is to create a fine powder that can be separated in the next steps.
Separation is when the iron particles are separated from the other particles that can be found in the powder. These other particles/minerals are removed to ensure that the iron ore fines deposits reach a certain iron content. There are many different types of separation—gravity separation, magnetno ločevanje, ločevanje flotacije, and size separators. These separation techniques can be used in combination with each other to create a higher quality product.
Many of the standard separation techniques require the use of water to work properly. Once all of the steps are completed, the resulting output is a slushy, slurry consistency. In order to turn it into pellets, the output has to be de-watered. The dewatering process can be done through vacuum filters or pressure filters.
In contrast to the standard fine iron ore separation process, the triboelectric separation process is much quicker and easier. The iron ore goes through two steps, the grinding process, and the separation process. Because this iron ore beneficiation is water-free there is no dewatering needed.
The iron ore deposits go through the same grinding/crushing process as the standard process. The objective is to create a fine output that can be separated in the next stage.
In this step, the resulting fine particles are fed into a triboelectric belt separator. The iron deposit then proceeds through the key features of the electrostatic separation process. The charging of the particles, the separation of the particles, and the gravity separation of the particles. Vse to se izvaja z enim strojem. Rezultat je popolnoma suh izdelek, ki je pripravljen za peletizacijo.
As you can see, the STET process requires very little pre-treatment, the separation process is a breeze, and there is no need for dewatering. The STET separator is an innovative alternative to standard separation technology equipment. Not only is it effective, but it reduces pollution, saves money, and makes it easy to get permits.
We provide state-of-the-art mineral processing equipment and electrostatic separation equipment to our customers all over the world. Predani smo pomoči našim strankam in svetu, v. Želite izvedeti več? Kontaktirajte nas Danes!