Kubwezeretsa ndi Kubwezeretsanso Phulusa la Ntchentche

Makina opangira magetsi pogwiritsa ntchito malasha ku United States amapanga pafupifupi 75 matani miliyoni a phulusa la malasha pachaka. Poyerekeza ndi 267 matani miliyoni miliyoni omwe aku America amapanga pachaka, it makes sense to find alternative uses for coal fly ash to keep landfills from being overwhelmed with this residual matter.

Mbali yabwino, pafupifupi makumi asanu ndi atatu mphambu zisanu ndi zitatu za phulusa la malasha lopangidwa 2018 anali zobwezerezedwanso. Njira imodzi yochitira izi ndikugwiritsa ntchito popanga konkriti. The Romans used a mixture of volcanic ash mixed with lime to create a very effective kind of concrete. It was invented Long before portland cement.

Recycling Landfill Fly Ash

kugwiritsa fly ash from coal-fired power plants creates a similar chemical reaction when used in the production of concrete, zomwe zimapangitsa kukhala cholowa m'malo mwa simenti. The significance of keeping fly ash out of landfills is huge, koma palinso zambiri pakulinganiza zachilengedwe.

Simenti ya portland ikachiritsidwa, it leaves behind some of the hydrated lime. That is added with water to create a binding agent. Phulusa la ntchentche limagwiritsidwa ntchito m'malo mwa simenti, imathandizanso kuti laimu ichiritse. Contributing to added strength and durability of hardened concrete in comparison to cement alone.

Chofunika, amachepetsa kwambiri mphamvu zofunikira pakupanga simenti ya portland. Pafupifupi tani ya carbon dioxide imatulutsidwa popanga simenti ya portland. While it is already combusted and therefore does not release additional CO2 upon being used in concrete. Matani onse a simenti amasinthidwa ndi ntchentche phulusa losakaniza konkriti, it can avoid a ton of carbon dioxide emissions.

Recycling fly ash does help to keep landfills from being overburdened. Komanso, amachepetsanso kuchuluka kwa mphamvu zofunika kupanga konkriti komanso kuchuluka kwa mpweya woipa womwe umatulutsidwa mumlengalenga panthawi yopanga konkriti.

How triboelectrostatic belt separator

Chinsinsi cha kulimba ndi kulimba kwa zinthu zomangidwa ndi ntchentche phulusa ndikuchepetsa mpweya wake ndikuwongolera mtundu wake. The cha ku Switzerland Zida & Technology wa triboelectrostatic lamba olekanitsa can remove residual carbon coal char and generate a high quality consistent processed product, ProAsh®, chinthu chofunikira kwa opanga konkriti. Timapereka zida zamakono zopangira mchere. Lumikizanani nafe lero kuti mumve zambiri.