Análise de amostra pequena!

ST Equipment & TechnologyAvaliação do valor de seu produto minado.

Um dos principais objetivos do nosso processo patenteado de separação eletrostática é recuperar minerais valiosos de fluxos de resíduos e/ou rejeitos, in an eco-friendly, dry technology manner that requires no chemicals and produces no emissions.

If you’re looking to test the validity of the materials you are mining in order to evaluate the feasibility of a pilot plant, we can provide you with a characterization analysis simply by having you send us a small sample.

Our analysis will evaluate whether your material is a good candidate for electrostatic beneficiation by utilizing our process. The analysis will determine:

Is the material particle size distribution suitable for the STET separator?

Is the material sufficiently liberated in separate, partículas discretas?

Often this cannot be measured, but can be evaluated based on the nature of the material, how it was formed, particle size, etc. Any information you have on liberation characteristics, including micrographs, QEMSCAN or other, would be beneficial.

Does the STET laboratory have the capacity to measure the element(s), mineral(s) or properties of interest to support a pilot plant testing campaign?

Em geral, rapid results are preferred, to allow for run decisions to be made during pilot plant trials.

Is the material a good candidate for electrostatic beneficiation based on moisture, chemistry, mineralogy, separation targets and STET’s experience or available references?

ST Equipment & TechnologyWe will use this information to generate a report detailing the results of the small sample testing, as well as recommendations on how to proceed with pilot scale testing, como aplicável. Once STET and the customer are in agreement about the goals of a pilot testing program, we can issue a pilot plant testing proposal.

*Note: Não somos capazes de testar pequenas amostras para o desempenho de separação, ou fornecer estimativas de grau ou recuperação do produto.

Se você está interessado em prosseguir, tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o envio de uma amostra e toda a documentação necessária para processá-la estão incluídas em nossa Instruções de envio.

Você pode enviar mais de uma amostra de cada vez e nós aceitamos tanto consultas internacionais quanto materiais perigosos, desde que estejam devidamente embalados e documentados.