ST 設備 & 科技有限責任公司繼續向亞洲擴張

李約瑟, 品質. – ST 設備的官員 & 技術有限責任公司 (STET) 宣佈, 他們已敲定一項協定, 由韓國東南電力公司在 Samchoenpo 電站購買和安裝一個飛灰選礦裝置。, 有限公司. (庫恩), 韓國電力公司的子公司 (科普科).

KEPCO 是韓國最大的電力公司, 負責 93% 該國的發電量. 分離加工裝置將用於對三清坡電站各機組生產的粉煤灰進行選礦. The beneficiation plant is currently under construction and is scheduled for completion during the first half of 2019.

STET’s world-leading green technology converts fly ash, an industrial waste produced from the burning of coal, into two useful products:
  • a standard building material (ProAsh®。), used in the construction sector
  • a consistent supply of fuel (EcoTherm™), useful for the coal burning industry
The STET fly ash beneficiation process results in a profitable activity that contributes to environmental protection by,
  • 減少填土需求, 延長現有堆填區的使用壽命
  • 節能
  • 減少原料的採石
  • 減少二氧化碳 (二氧化碳) 排放


"拓展亞洲是 STET 和, 我們相信, 適用于韓國公用事業行業和混凝土行業,"邁克·艾倫說, STET 總裁. “We welcome the opportunity to work with KOSEP on a second project and know this is just the continuation of an excellent long-term relationship.”

This is the fourth STET fly ash project to be developed in Asia; the previous ones are located in the Philippines, Japan and Korea. There are already numerous fly ash STET separation units in operation in the US, 加拿大, 和歐洲. STET has also installed separators for the beneficiation of industrial minerals in North America, India and Europe.

ST 設備 & 技術有限責任公司是幹細顆粒選礦專用加工設備的開發商和供應商, 總部設在尼傑姆, 品質。, 美國. STET 是泰坦水泥公司的一部分。, 一個獨立的水泥和建築材料生產商。 110 多年的行業經驗.

請聯繫我們: 邁克·艾倫
ST 設備 & 技術有限責任公司
