Triboelectrostatic za zmago

It’s triboelectrostatic time!

Triboelectrostatic je zelo učinkovita metoda za razvrščanje mešanice materialov v posamičnih tok. The process is beneficial to almost any industry that wishes to refine their main product into a variety of grades to produce more valuable materials and less waste.

We think that’s pretty amazing. v bistvu, ST opreme & Technology’s proprietary triboelectrostatic separation process has been helping numerous business segments achieve incredible results by providing them with better products in an extremely environmentally friendly way.

Some of the industries we’ve helped along the way include:

  • Pepel: Not only is our process extraordinary at capturing fly ash, lahko še "presejanje" je do zelo majhne velikosti delcev, da vam z različnimi razredi končnega materiala. To je eden od razlogov, zakaj naš Pro Ash cement delitev je bila izbrana kot ključni dobavitelj pri gradnji novega svetovnega trgovinskega centra v New Yorku.
  • Mining Operations: Some mining processes use wet separation methods, such as froth flotation, that requires the addition of chemical agents that must be handled safely and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. Once you’ve added these chemicals to the water needed for flotation and separation, you can no longer recycle 100% of that water because a portion of it will contain trace amounts of the chemical reagents. Our process doesn’t need a fresh water and it can be used on-site so you don’t have to truck raw materials out to a processing center.
  • Krme & Hrane: Electrostatic static separation of wheat flour middlings have been around for more than 130 let. And while traditional electrostatic methods have the potential to generate new, višja vrednost fitofarmacevtskih, ali ponujajo alternativo mokra metode obdelave, many electrostatic technologies are not suitable for processing finely ground, low-density powders from plant materials like ours can.

There’s really only one solution when it comes to your separation needs. Kontaktirajte nas and let’s talk about how our solution can work for you.