Cadangan Standard Global Baru Mengenai Pengurusan Ekor

Bencana empangan ekor bukan perkara baharu kepada industri perlombongan. Walau bagaimanapun, selepas bencana empangan Brumadinho di Brazil di 2019 where 12 jutaan meter padu sisa besi dilepaskan secara tidak sengaja, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 134 orang dan merosakkan alam sekitar secara tidak munasabah, the Global Tailings Review spearheaded a global industry standard on tailings management initiative. The proposal cites that tailing facility failures are unacceptable, dan pengendali mesti mempunyai toleransi sifar terhadap kecederaan atau kematian manusia dan harus berusaha untuk mencederakan sifar kepada alam sekitar.

The topic areas discussed in the proposal include:

  • Topic Area 1:- Project-affected people and communities.
  • Topic Area 2:- Social, environmental, and economic context.
  • Topic Area 3:- Design, construction, operation, Penyelenggaraan, monitoring, and closing of tailing facilities.
  • Topic Area 4:- Management and governance of facilities.
  • Topic Area 5:- Emergency preparedness, response, and long-term recovery.
  • Topic Area 6:- Public disclosure and access to information.

In addition to the six topic areas, there are also 15 proposed principles that mining operations should follow, Serta 77 auditable requirements.

You can download a PDF of the entire Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management here.

Peralatan ST & Technology believes there is one more item that should be added to the extensively comprehensive list. That is to reduce the abundance of tailings produced in the first place. With our tribo-electrostatic separation proses, we can capture greater amounts of mined product that would ordinarily end up in a waste stream. This not only provides the opportunity to obtain greater gains from mined resources, it can significantly reduce the amount of waste produced in various processes such as extracting alumina from bauxite.

The current method—called the Bayer process—uses caustic materials, suhu tinggi, and extreme pressure to separate alumina from surrounding materials in bauxite. The resulting waste stream creates a slurry known as red mud, that must be kept in holding ponds until the toxicity is neutralized.

Kami pemisah tali pinggang is an energy efficient system using a dry separation method that can be used prior to the Bayer process to extract more alumina at the beginning. This results in the recovery of valuable natural resources, a reduced need for toxic caustic materials and energy used by the Bayer process, a reduction in the need for a fresh water supply, and a major decrease in the demand for holding ponds.

As global standards continue to change and mining companies are looking for greater efficiencies without compromising on guidelines meant to protect people and the environment, Peralatan ST & Technology will be standing ready to provide economically sound solutions.